During a meeting yesterday, someone who logged in used an AI bot to transcribe the conversation. That same bot attempted to get me to sign up for the service as well.
While scrolling through FB this morning, one of those "Type in X then hit the middle button to make a sentence..." posts caught my eye. Not because it is a new game, but because of the subtle variety of responses, as well as my own knowledge of some of the people responding.
Both of these throw red flags for me; both personally and professionally.
My issue with transcription bots is that all the details of those meetings are SOMEWHERE other than in your control. The more widespread the use of that bot is, the more meeting details across all industries is being gathered... There are near infinite ways this information can be utilized, even against the business operations you are directly discussing.
My issue with the "hit the middle button" concept is that it can be utilized to steer people's thinking. What appears random to you could very easily be utilized to steer your thinking. How does your phone know? Because the AI used is pulling information from trillions of sources and examples.
There is no debating that AI tools can and is being utilized to shortcut many tedious tasks... However, every use of it gives greater power and control to those that are currently holding the leashes of the information AI pulls from, and the more people continue down the road of not being able to think for themselves. 🤷
When I posted this information on Facebook, someone commented they weren't overly worried about "hitting the middle button" due to the sentence AI produced for them: The first time you were able and you had to do something about the situation you had with your family you had a hard life.
I agree this is a little non-sensical, but my entire profession is about playing a game of "if-then" concerning the actions of people and systems. It may make me overly skeptical, but my worries are following a logical path based on evidence presented. My message does not even address the biggest concern about AI. The more people rely on it to think and create for them, the less they are able to think and create for themselves.