As of Jan 1, California extended its version of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to start at 5 employees (vs. the previous 50 employees). IMO, this is a horrible requirement that puts an undue burden on small businesses that are trying to keep operations going. 🤬🤬🤬
But wait, there's more... a couple of lawmakers in Congress have proposed extending FMLA nationally to as small as 1 employee companies (Yes ONE employee!) to be accessible as soon as 90 days from date of hire.
To make sure this is clear for everyone, these proposed changes would drop the current standards of 12 weeks of annually available protected leave for companies having 50+ employees who have worked for at least 1 year to companies with ONE employee working for as little as THREE MONTHS.
And of course, this is on top of other efforts by the Biden Administration to eliminate non-compete agreements, all but eliminate subcontractor work arrangements, and other similar initiatives.
I don't know about you, but MY business could not survive that type of obligation.
End of the day, you MUST have a plan to address these types of situations as they come down the pipeline. Luckily, you know a Guy! 😎