Nearly half of leaders SAY they struggle to effectively deal with workplace conflict, based on
from HR Dive. In my experience, about 90% of leaders DO struggle with workplace conflict across all industries... and it's more like 97% in the trades.
This is not a shot against anyone, and it is completely understandable. Most business owners in the trades are ex-technicians. You're more used to dealing with and solving mechanically-based problems that can be fixed by simply replacing a part, board, or unit. As soon as you have to deal with human-to-human conflict, there are rarely black-and-white answers; at least, if you wish to retain some or all of your employees, and to stay out of trouble with the law! 🤣
As part of the bigger picture outside the trades, our society as a whole has never been effective in teaching people how to manage interpersonal conflict. And don't get me started on how the current/next generation is being taught, in a politically driven atmosphere of subjective reality and a "avoid conflict at all costs" philosophy!
So, how do WE as business owners and managers overcome this challenge to improve and protect our Brands? The same way we teach employees how to sell more effectively, be better technicians, etc... PRACTICE. Learn the principles, train on the concepts, and roleplay. As the
linked article
points out, 61% of polled manager candidates had trouble clarifying core issues. If you can't even figure out what's causing the problem, you'll have a tough time solving it! I
deally, you'll prioritize and practice conflict resolution techniques BEFORE employee management situations force the education on you.
As with most things related to HR, this is easier said than done... Only YOU can take the first step. Find a trustworthy mentor you can be open with to get on the path. If you need help, I know a Guy! 😇