Can't say I did not see this coming... Seeking to copy the structure from Californiastan, the Biden Administration is looking to further minimize individual accountability for their agreements and force business owners to shoulder the extra costs by mandate of hiring more employees vs. using sub-contractors.
While I am not a fan of relying on Subs out of professional principle (how do you control your Brand Image when by definition you are not allowed to require Subs to actually represent YOUR Brand?!?!), I firmly believe this is a business decision that should be left between any individual and the company they wish to do work for in some fashion.
While the actual verbiage of the DOL proposed rule is already being spun, it does come down to this point: Is the Sub-Contractor "economically dependent" upon the contracting business?
If yes, then ANY incident can trigger massive fines, fees, audits, retroactive insurance premiums, and let's not forget... Lawsuits!
Additionally, just like Min Wage and OT, individuals DO NOT have the legal authority to waive their basic labor rights. No matter what you have them sign, if they OR THE GOVERNMENT determine they are an employee, you are screwed!
Take control of your Brand AND make sure all the individuals working under your operation are properly classified! If you need help or guidance with this... I happen to know a Guy. 😇😎